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Dear All,
Some users are experiencing hanging issues in MS Excel; please do the following to resolve this issue;
Solve Excel Hanging Issue
If you are on Windows 11 or Windows 10, choose Start > All apps > Windows System > Run. Type Excel /safe in the Run box, and then click OK.
If Excel starts in safe mode, continue with the steps in the COM Add-ins section of this article.
COM add-ins
Use the following steps to determine if a COM add-in is causing the problem:
Click File > Options > Add-ins.
Select COM Add-ins, and click Go.
Clear all the check boxes in the list, and click OK.
Close and restart Excel in normal mode.
Select “File” > “Options“.
Select “Add-ins“.
Select “Excel Add-ins” in the “Manage” drop-down menu, then select “Go…“.
If any items are checked, try unchecking them, then selecting “OK“. This will disable Add-ins that may be causing the freezing.
Close Excel, then launch it normally to see if that did the trick. If not, repeat steps 3 through 7, only try a different selection in step 6. Go through the list in the drop-down for “COM Add-ins“, “Actions“, and “XML Expansion Packs” and see if disabling items in those selections do the trick.
IT Engineer
Article ID: 1
Category: Applications Issue
Date added: 2023-02-21 11:05:59
Views : 177
Rating (Votes): (1)